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Behavior Consultant

Tara Houser

Tara Houser is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed, Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer, Pat Miller Certified Trainer and and Pro Dog Trainer (Absolute Dogs). She is a proud member of the Pet Professional Guild and describes her training methods as science-based and fun for both the human and the dog. She has been around dogs all of her life, and has been training professionally since 2011. She specializes in working with noise sensitivities and separation anxiety. She shares her life with her husband, a Jack Russell Terrier named Tic Tac, an Australian Shepherd named Diesel, and two chihuahua mixes named Bandit and ABA-Lee.


Behavior Consultant

Genevieve Cahill

Gena found her love for animal behavior at a very young age. She has been a certified veterinary nurse for over 20 years. She works in her community with local vets and shelters as a Fear Free Certified Professional, Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer, Absolute Dogs Pro Dog Trainer, and Certified Canine Fitness Trainer. She takes a holistic approach to helping dogs and owners with their behavior struggles using only the most current science based techniques. She loves to help owners and their dogs find the peace and harmony they truly deserve. She shares her life with her wonderful husband, two amazing daughters, two dogs, one cat, two guinea pigs, and several tanks of fish!